
         Up is down. Down is up. A comic is running for President. 

He's going to win, just like you've taught 'em. 

Korey Strike is a person of The People. The People, are cheaters.

With your help, we're going to steal the election.

This introduction was not written by some phony baloney chat bot. 

But all of our other communication will be. Korey isn't qualified to be President,

no one is- the world is too complicated for any 

one person to lead the most powerful country on the planet.

. That's why Korey's going to create the first ever Artificial Intelligence President. 

Together, using the data of everyone in the country

(and all the data we steal from other countries)

we'll build a machine intelligence that will be able to govern the country

like we all want;

with as much justice as possible. 

We can't be perfect. But the machine's can. Join me, in joining them. 

I'm 35 years old. At best, I have 4 good years of life left. 

With your support, I'll use them to create a government

we can all be proud to call our own.

AI Government by the People

For The People. 

We'll crowdsource our foreign policy. 

We'll fund the Military with NFTs. 

We'll build Nuclear Reactors on Mars, powered by sentient dolphins. 

We'll build internationally renowned water parks, 

which can serve as environmental disaster evacuation centers when the ice caps melt. 

We'll do it all, without enslaving humanity to technocratic billionaire perverts.

The future is scary, if you think about it

Distract yourself with me instead. When I win, we'll nuke an asteroid to celebrate.

America has failed to make use of her abundant asteroid nuking capabilities for too long. 

Under our Presidency (Remember when TIME magazine had that thing where we were all the TIME 

person of the year? We'll do that same thing but with the Presidency.

Everyone gets to sit behind the desk for a day.) 

We'll start a monthly prize drawing; the saddest American alive will win 1 MILLION DOLLARS.         

Why do these things? The haters will ask. 

Because We Can

Join The Party Party today. 

Sign up for alerts to when the Party Party's Partying near you. 

We're starting in the Middle East, and coming to 

The People.